Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Facebook mania, silahkan cocokkan kepribadian anda!?

1. Manusia Super Update
Kapanpun dan di manapunselalu update status. Statusnya tidak terlalu panjang tapi terlihat bikin risih, karena hal-hal yang tidak terlalu penting juga dipublikasikan.

Contoh : "Lagi makan di restoran
A..", "Dalam perjalanan menuju neraka..", "Saatnya baca koran..", dan sebagainya.

2. Manusia Melankolis
Biasanya selalu curhat di status. Entah karena ingin banyak diberi komentar dari teman-temannya atau hanya sekedar menuangkan unek-uneknya ke
facebook. Biasanya orang tipe ini menceritakan kisahnya dan terkadang menanyakan solusi
yang terbaik kepada yang lain.

Contoh : "Kamu sakitin aku..lebih baik aku cari yang lain..",
"Cuma kamu yang terbaik buat aku..terima kasih kamu sudah sayang ama aku selama ini..".

3. Manusia Tukang Ngeluh
Pagi, siang, malem, semuanya selalu ada aja yang dikeluhkan.
Contoh : " Jakarta maceeet..!!
Panas pula..", "Aaaargh ujan, padahal baru nyuci mobil..sialan. .!!",
"Males ngapa2in.. cape hati gara2 si do' i..", dsb.

4. Manusia Sombong
Mungkin beberapa dari mereka ga berniat menyombongkan diri, tapi terkadang orang yang
melihatnya, yang notabene tidak bisa seberuntung dia, merasa kalo statusnya itu
kelewat sombong, dan malah bikin sebel.

Contoh : "Otw ke Paris ..!!",
"BMW ku sayang, saatnya kamu mandi..aku mandiin ya sayang.."
"Duh, murah-murah banget belanja di Singapur, bow,"

5. Manusia Puitis
Dari judulnya udah jelas. Status nya selalu diisi dengan kata-kata
mutiara, tapi ga jelas apa maksudnya. Bikin kita terharu? Bikin kita sadar atas pesan
tersembunyinya? atau cuma sekedar memancing komentar?
Sampai saat ini, tipe orang seperti ini masih dipertanyakan.

Contoh :
"Kita masing-masing
adalah malaikat bersayap satu. Dan hanya bisa terbang bila saling berpelukan",
"Mencintai dan dicintai adalah seperti
merasakan sinar matahari dari kedua sisi",
"Jika kau hidup sampai seratus tahun, aku ingin
hidup seratus tahun kurang sehari, agar aku tidak pernah hidup tanpamu".

6. Manusia in English
Tipe manusianya bisa seperti apa saja, apakah melankolis,
puitis, sombong dan sebagainya. Tapi dia berusaha lebih keren dengan mengatakannya dalam bahasa Inggwis gicyu Low..
Contoh : "Tie and Chair..", "I can tooth, you Pink sun.." dsb..

7. Manusia Lebay
Updatenya selalu bertema 'gaul' dengan menggunakan bahasa dewa.. ejaan yang dilebaykan..
Contoh.." met moulnin all..
pagiiieh yg cewrah... xixiixi" <Manusia Terobsesi
Mengharap tapi ga kesampaian.. pengen jd artis ga dapat-dapat.
Contoh : "duwh... sesi pemotretan lagi! cape..."

9. Manusia Sok Tau
Sotoy tenarnya. Padahal dia sendiri tidak tahu apa yang ditulisnya.
Contoh : "Pemerintah selalu
memanjakan rakyatnya.. bla..bla...bla,"

10. Bioskop Mania
Update film yang abis ditonton dan kasih comment..

Contoh : "ICE AGE 3..Recomended! !",
"Transformers 2 mantab euy.."
11. Manusia pedagang
Contoh: "jual sepatu bla bla bla"

12. Manusia penyuluh masyarakat
Contoh: "jangan lupa dateng ke
TPS, 5 menit utk 5 tahun bla..bla"

13. Manusia Alay
Ada berbagai macam versi, dari tulisannya yang aneh, atau tulisannya biasa aja, hanya saja
kosakata nya ga lazim seperti bahasa alien.
Contoh:Alay 1 : "DucH Gw4 5aYan9 b6t s4ma Lo.. 7aNgaN tin69aL!n akYu ya B3!bh..!!"
Alay 2 : "km mugh kog gag pernach ngabwarin aq lagee seech?
kmuw maseeh saiangs sama aq gag seech sebenernywa? "
Alay 3 : "Ouh mY 9oD..!!
kYknY4w c gW k3ReNz 48ee5h
(Khusus buat tipe ini, ga usah di baca juga gpp..saya
pribadi juga mikirdulu buat nulis ini, walaupun jadinya kurang mirip sama yg aslinya..)

14. Tipe Hidden Message
Tipe ini biasanya tidak to the point, tapi tentunya punya niat biar orang yg dituju membacanya. (bagus kalo baca..kalo ngga? kelamaan nunggu)
padahal kan bisa langsung aja
sms ya..
Contoh : "For you my M***, I
can' t live without you..you are
my bla bla bla..","Heh, cewe
bajingan..ngapain lo deket2in co
gw?! kyk ga laku aja lo.."
(padahal ce tersebut tidak ada dalam jaringannya. . mana bisa baca...:p)

15. Tipe Misterius
Tipe yang biasanya bikin banyak orang bertanya tanya atas apa
maksud dari status orang tersebut..Biasanya dalam suatu
kalimat membutuhkanSubjek + Predikat + Objek + Keterangan.
Tapi orang tipe ini
mungkin hanya mengambil beberapa atau malah hanya 1 saja..Dan pastinyamengundang
Contoh : "Sudahlah.." , "Telah
berakhir.." (apanya??)
,"Termenung.. ." (so what gitu, loh)

Kalian ngikut yang mana???

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

rintihan jiwa

tentangku of saturday

Ryant Nugraha

walau tubuh terkoyak TIMAH PANAS 100 celCius
hati teriris pisau KEGUNDAHAN tUBUh Didera TsUnami KEhiDuPAn
tangan DI BelengGu KEtiadaan daya

Mata DbaYang HInGar nya nIKmat DUniA
teman dkala suka Bukan duka
oRTU yang Tiada Henti Menuntut agGar Jadi lebih Brharga...........

Hanya MAHA PENGASIh &MAHA Penyayang dan lebiH MAHA MENGETAHUI yAng Dppt TENTUKAN Akankah INI Berakhir DGN baHAGIA??
"Ryant Nugraha"

laura basuki nugraha

Nama Lengkap : Laura Basuki
Nama Panggilan : Laura Basuki
TTL : Jakarta, 9 januari 1988
Tinggi badan : 174 cm
Berat Badan : 50 kg
Hobi : baca, Berenang, Travelling
Nama Ayah : wibowo Basuki
Nama Ibu : Kieu Tien Basuki

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

iseng doang

WALaupun KemuNgkinan kecil BLog ini Tuk diliat ma orang Tapai ape Salahnye .....................

Selamat Mngoprek Blog yAng seAdanya ini

ngopi dulu ahhh

saat ku buka maata.......

Di pagi yang cerah itu.........

Tidak lupa m'bersihkan kotoran yg always menempel pada Kedua mataku ... baPaakah itu (pasti dah tau gg usah Disebutin namanya nTar MelanggaR pasal ...)

tidak lupa lagi mmBUAng Air Didalam tangki yang sudah Mluap sperti LahaR gunung aHHHH...

Rasanya Lega ...Ahhhhh lagi ahh.................!!!

seperti biasa:::::: yang perTama :wudhu-kembali kKamar-ambil sajadah N Sarng -pake sarung terusss sholat -abis sholat Doa dulu Biar aFdhol---------------------
Wah masihSetengan enam tidur lagi aahhhhhh......................


Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

McFly – Falling In Love

Everyday feels like a Monday
There is no escaping from the heartache
Now I wanna put it back together
’Cause it’s always better late then never

Wishin’ I could be in California
I wanna tell you when I call you
I could’ve fallen in love
I wish I’d fallen in love

Out of our minds and out of time
Wishin’ I could be with you
And to share the view
We could’ve fallen in love

Waking up to people talking
And it’s getting later every morning
That I realize it’s nearly midday
And I’ve wasted half my life
To throw it away saying

Everyday should be a new day
To make you smile and find a new way
Of falling in love
I could have fallen in love

Out of our minds, out of time
Wishin’ I could be with you to share the view
Oh, we could’ve fallen in love
Oh, we could’ve fallen in love

I’m sick of waiting
I can’t take it, gotta tell ya
I’m sick of waiting
I can’t take it, gotta tell ya

I can’t take another night on my own
So I take a breath and then I pick up the phone
She said, she said, she said

We could have fallen in love
Oh, we could’ve fallen in love
Oh, we could’ve fallen in love
Yeah, we could’ve fallen in love

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

The used-Buried Myself Alive

You almost always pick the best time,
to drop the worst lines.
You almost made me cry again this time.
Another false alarm,
red flashing lights.
Well this time I'm not going to watch myself die.

I think I made it a game to play your game
and let myself cry.
I buried myself alive on the inside,
so I could shut you out,
and let you go away for a long time. GET OUT!

I guess it's ok I puked the day away.
I guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way.
And if you want me back,
you're gonna have to ask.

I think the chain broke away,
and I felt it the day that I had my own time
I took advantage of myself and felt fine.
But it was worth the night,
I caught an early flight and I made it home.

I guess its ok I puked the day away
I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way.
And if you want me back
you're gonna have to ask
nicer than that
nicer than that...

With my foot on your neck
I finally have you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you,
Right where I want you

I guess its ok I puked the day away
I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way
And if you want me back,
You're gonna have to ask

Nicer than that,(I guess its ok I puked the day away)
Nicer than that (I guess its better you trapped yourself in your own way)
Yeah, and if you want me back,
You're gonna have to ask
Nicer than that

My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Lyrics

Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed

I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)

But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay

My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You Lyrics

When you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

And after all this time that you still owe
You're still the good-for-nothing I am not
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless needing
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay

And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another loan
So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

When you go
Would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

Efek Rumah Kaca - Cinta Melulu

Nada-nada yang minor
Lagu perselingkuhan
Atas nama pasar semuanya begitu klise

Elegi patah hati
Ode pengusir rindu
Atas nama pasar semuanya begitu banal

Oh oh…
Lagu cinta melulu
Kita memang benar-benar melayu
Suka mendayu-dayu

Apa memang karena kuping melayu
Suka yang sendu-sendu
Lagu cinta melulu

lagu cinta melulu
kita memang benar-benar melayu
suka mendayu-dayu

I Will Survive -Cake

At first I was afraid
I was petrified
I kept thinking I could never live without you
By my side
But then I spent so many nights
Just thinking how you've done me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to get along
And so you're back
From outer space
I just walked in to find you
Here without that look upon your face
I should have changed that f***in' lock
I would have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
You'd be back to bother me

oh now go,
Walk out the door
Just turn around
Now, you're not welcome anymore

Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?

Oh not I,
I will survive

As Long as I know how to love,
I know I'll be alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
I will survive,
I will survive

Yeah, yeah

It took all the strength I had
Just not to fall apart
I'm trying hard to mend the pieces
Of my broken heart
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry,

But now I hold my head up high
And you see me
With somebody new
I'm not that stupid little person
Still in love with you
And so you thought you'd just drop by
And you expect me to be free
But now I'm saving all my lovin'
For someone whose lovin' me

oh now go,
Walk out the door
Just turn around
Now, you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumple?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh not I,
I will survive
As long as I know how to love,
I know I'll be alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
I will survive,
I will survive
Yeah, yeah
Oh no